Ausstellung Kotka FCI-Gruppen 1, 3, 5, 7 (SF) 22.03.2025

Zanellon Royal Miss Duchess

Katalognr: 1
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: PN1, SA, SERT, BOS
Bericht: 5 year old female, lovely head, nice crest on the neck, good front, good topline, good bend of stifle, excellent condition, moves really well.

Wave Seekers I Can Walk On Water

Katalognr: 2
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: PU1, SA, SERT, BOB, MVA
Bericht: Beautiful head, lovely proportions, good eye, good bite, good muscular neck, excellent wide shoulder, good topline, good depth of chest, good angulation, excellent coat, moved really well.

Wave Seekers You Know My Name

Katalognr: 3
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Zwischen
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: PN2, SA, SERT-R
Bericht: Lovely head, good domed skull, good bite, nice reach of neck, excellent lay of shoulder, good topline, excellent bend of stifle, good angulation, moves well.

Black Tower Vinculum Amicitiae

Katalognr: 4
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: PN3, SA, Junior-SERT, Junior-BOB, JMVA
Bericht: 13 month old female, nice broad skull and good depth of muzzle, good bite, good reach of neck, good lay of shoulder, good topline, good bend of stifle, moved really well.

Gamla Bodens Nose In The Air

Katalognr: 5
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: PN4, SA
Bericht: 13 month old female, lovely head, nice type, nice expression, I would prefer a darker eye, good bite, good front, good reach of neck, nice topline, good bend of stifle, prefuse in coat, moves really well.

Wave Seekers Let´s Fall In Love

Katalognr: 6
Bewertung: SG1
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Bericht: Nice head, nice bite, sufficient neck, nice front, good topline, moved well.

Tallustassun Elberte

Katalognr: 7
Bewertung: SG2
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Bericht: 9 year old female, nice head, good slope on face, nice eye, good reach of neck, nice bite, good depth of rib, good bend of stifle, moves really good.

Haumean Wirwatuli

Katalognr: 8
Bewertung: SG3
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Bericht: 9 year old female, nice head, good expression, good strong under jaw, good shoulder, good topline, good bend of stifle, a little stiff on the back move.

Water Rescues X-Tra Brains Needed

Katalognr: 9
Bewertung: SG4
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Bericht: 10,5 year old female, nice head, nice bite, good front, nice bone, good topline, good bend of stifle, a little bit stiff on the movement.

Utuma Enjoyment Par Excellence

Katalognr: 10
Bewertung: 1st
Klasse: Puppy 7 to 9 months
Richter: Philip Boyd (IRL)
Anwartschaft: Honor-Prize, Puppy-BOB
Bericht: Very promising puppy, good bite, nice head, good topline, good bend of stifle, moved well.